Tuscany is a dream destination for couples seeking an idyllic setting for their country wedding, with its rolling hills, ancient vineyards, and rustic charm. Colle Massari, an estate nestled in the renowned Maremma Toscana region, offers all of this and more, making it the perfect...

Nestled in the heart of Monferrato, Cantina Castello di Uviglie is the perfect setting for a country destination wedding in Piemonte. With its breathtaking views of rolling vineyards, a rich history, and modern amenities, this historic winery offers couples an unforgettable backdrop to celebrate their...

Today, we will tell you the story of an intimate wedding in Umbria, one of Vic & Josh's. They are a beautiful Russian / American couple that decided to marry in Umbria with their close family. They contacted me while looking for a romantic, cozy...